English tenses table
English all tenses
English all tenses
in the common style; the act-ion is done always, usually, seldom, rarely,.. by the subject/ person
in the point style; The act-ion is done only once on time (past or future) there is not present tense (now)
in the continuous tense; The person is on the act-ion, and he is doing ‘work/ study’, in past or now, or in the future that time.
The student is/ was/ will be doing ‘study’ Briefly,
The student is/ was/ will be studing.
in the perfect tense; the act-ion has passed over the person at least once. Or, the person has done the action at least once.
Have you been3 in London ? __Yes.
I have finished my work. Or, I have worked3 my work
Or; To study has passed over the student already.
Or; To have been3 in London has passed over the my frend.
in the perfect continuous tense; the position verb (to be) perfect (been3), but the action verb(to work) continues (working)
When my mother came in my room,
When the thief came in our house, we had been3 sleeping (that time).
English conditionals tables
What’s the condition?
The condition is that another action is required for any action to be taken. And in fact, the condition should not be limited.
For example;
If he’s tired, he can go. (permission)
English conditional table is same, verb conjucation(tenses) table. Only difference ‘if’ particle.
İf the main sentence; ‘He would win‘ then, the person didn’t do conditional action
İf the main sentence; ‘He would have won‘ then, the person hadn’t do conditional action
Negative, negative questions, and question forms
of verbs in English.
First of all,
in English, sentences are created with auxiliary verbs. Or modal verbs. A sentence can have multiple auxiliary verbs at the same time. Here we will be interested with 1. auxiliary verb of these.
İf in the positive form of sentences there is no auxiliary verb, We will fill this with the verb ‘do’.
Here we go,
1. While making negative form of verbs in English, ‘not’ negativity element is placed after first auxiliary verb.
I have not been working.
2. In English, the first auxiliary verb in the negative question of the verbs is taken to the beginning of the sentence, ‘not’ element remains in place.
Have you not been working.
3. The ‘not’ element in the question form is removed from the sentence.
Have you been working?
In short form; -n’t letter integration is adjacent to the first auxiliary verb. And they act together. ( I am not…) (I amn’t…)
I haven’t been working.
Haven’t you been working?
There is no short writing in the question form.
English position/ status verb (to be) and action verb (to work)
English position verb ‘to be‘ with progressive and perfect participle
English action verb ‘to work‘ with progressive and perfect participle
in the progressive aspect; Person is doing (‘work’_the acttion) on the time. ‘working man’ (participle) — The man is working (partisiple with sentence)
The worker is doing ‘work.’ Biriefly,
The worker is working.
İn the perfect aspect; Person is not doing ‘work’, He has fnished it. Or, The act-ion or verb (work) has passed over the person.
The man has done his ‘work’ or,
The work has passed over the man already.
in the perfect aspect, The movement doesn’t always have to end.
He has finished his work (finished work ) ____ I
He has begun his work (unfinished work) I____
Both sentences are a perfect sentence.
The verb has passed, or, has not passed once over the person.
progressive and perfect… (compound)
perfect — progressive (continuous) aspect;
… have been3 working
I have worked. (perfect)
I have been..?? (perfect) What have you been?
I have been working. _____ I _____
progressive (continuous) — perfect aspect;
… is/ was/ being worked (this style is passive in grammar)
English gerund
What is gerund?
What is present participle?
What is the difference between gerund and present (progressive) participle?
Briefly and clearly,
Present(progressive) participle or adjective verb is person oriented.
Or the person imagined. And the person is in motion.
waiting boy_ The boy is waiting.
The boy is doing ‘wait’
Gerund is the movement itself. And the work moves.
Waiting is doing ‘boring’
That is, the imagined movement itself.
I don’t like waiting.
Or, I don’t like holding (waiting) motion
simple past tense in english, turkish, russian, arabic
used to …
Actually, in the phrase ‘used’ -ed is the past time of the verb. So it is also used to … as the structure is like simple past. However, since the verb denounces it as meaning, it can form a sentence in a general way without the use of frequency envelopes. In other verbs, frequency words should be used to create general style.
There is also a supplement to the general style in Turkish. The -er attachment can be added to the verb at any time and always shows the general style without using the frequency word.
Geçen sene sinemaya giderdim_ I used to go…
…her hafta sonu sinemaya gittim _ I went to… every weekend.
In Russian, there are no such elements as used to or –er. Therefore, in general style, frequency words are used.
simple past tense in english, turkish, russian, arabic
past continuous tense in english, turkish, russian, arabic
First of all, what is continuous tenses?
In English, verbs are used as adjective verb forms.
There are two forms of adjective verbs.
1. Ongoing form of action
2. Finished form of action.
The first one is on the movement and the movement is continuing. For this, the situation of the person against the movement is in question.
Essentially say ‘He is waiting’. ‘waiting he’ or ‘waiting man’ means. or, ‘The car waiting’
The car is ….
What is …? it is red / tall / short …
The car is waiting. (waiting is participle)
The car was waiting (past)
Adjective verb is not used for continuous tense in Russian and Turkish. And verbs do not report the situation of the person. In Russian, there is a special attachment for the present. But this verb is not used in the same time as the past.
It can be used in Turkish but it is also used as an auxiliary verb and
(er-), -t, -ük finishness suffix, ‘çalışiyor -er-it-ük’, ‘çalışıyor idi (k) ‘,’ çalışıyordu ‘
The adjective verb suffix -an, -an adjective verb suffix. If -en, -an attachment is used in English and Turkish overlap.
O çalış-an’dır/ O’dur çalış-an_ He is work-ing
O çalışandı_ He was working.
in the continuous tenses, the verb takes place so participle
The student is doing ‘study’__ doing ‘study’ student__The studing student.
I am a studing student Now.
I was a studing student then (Yesterday)
He was not a doing ‘study’ student, because, He had fnished ‘study’
Past perfect tense in english, turkish, russian, arabic
Past perfect tense
What is perffective? Perfect aspect is same in turkish and English. The verb position is participle (sıfat fiil) perfect participle. The person already has done the action at last one. May be the book hasn’t fnished. Have you ever been in London? Yes.
But, Russian perfective is not so. There is İn russian perfective two action. read and pass, not only ‘read’. He read and passed the book. The person has read and has closed the book.
Let’s start as a pre-information, for example, to go.
He’s gone… to school.‘ What do we understand from this sentence. We’re definitely sure that he’s not here right now. And at school? We don’t know this place. What we know is that Ali left. We do not know whether the school reached the news reported in the sentence. And maybe he’s still going to school. But on this side, the person, Ali, took action to start the movement. In other words, the movement has become over Ali, and Ali is now gone.
In this respect, the movement has not occurred and the situation has been completed. But the movement may not have been completed yet. The narration so far is based on Turkish and English fiction. And the finish category works in these dummies. So the person’s condition. In Russian, it works through the movements. So the movement is completed and completed. Therefore, the grammatical elements that declare that the person has completed his movement take part in the expressions.
For example; Where is Ali?
He went to school. (imperfective action) (unfinished action)
Did Ali go to school now? Yeah, he went to waste school. (perfective action) From here on, we now understand that the result of the move is over. Here in Russian, the category of completion is shaped according to all these situations.
Past perfect continuous tense in english, turkish, russian, arabic
present perfect tense
Perfect tenses; subject+have+ verb-ed3 (perfect participle) (not past participle)
Participles dosen’t show a time. There is not a time in ‘worked3’ or ‘working’ because participles only shows status of the person in that time. These times are past, now, future or future in past.
‘worked man‘, it is status.
The man has worked (present status) (now)(this time)
The man had2 worked (past status) that time (yesterday)
so, in the perfect participle, the act has passed on the person, no important what time? only the person has done, or, hasn’t done, or, the action has passed or hasn’t passet on the person
present perfect continuous tense in english, turkish, russian, arabic